Pay Per Click Campaigns

Paid Ad Campaigns
We are a team of experienced and passionate search individuals who developed strategies for businesses of all sizes in a large span of industries. Not only is pay-per-click marketing important to get immediate traffic and leads to your website, it’s also ideal for tracking offers that you make on your website and also for split testing the campaigns. This helps us to adjust your campaigns and lead them to success.
Get the complete Pay Per Click service with CliQ Growth
Our team of experts would determine the best path for your pay-per-click campaigns after discussing your goals and requirements. After creating all the necessary campaigns and implementing the strategy, CliQ Growth will continually monitor, manage, and optimize your pay-per-click campaigns so that you can focus on your business, giving you time to service your clients. Meet with Cliq Growth’s expert team, and let’s discuss how best we can:
- Increase brand awareness
- Prepare Conversion focused campaigns
- Get Immediate Results
- Bring qualified leads and continuous traffic

Our Pay Per Click Process
Once our PPC Agency
is apart of your business,
we understand your target
audience and your goals,
we use our experience
and expertise to prepare a
strategy to reach your goals.
With a clear understanding of your company’s plans and goals, we begin the pay-per-click campaign, on the designated channels, and constantly monitor to gain insights while looking for ways to increase conversions, improve performance and lower costs.
We gather valuable information from the data of your active ad campaigns. We monitor the data to determine which search terms, demographics and affinities are excelling or underperforming. This is a continuous process that happens on a daily basis.
Once we see results from our thorough evaluations,
We use our expertise and years of experience to focus on,
and optimize the targeted factors that will help to
generate more business and to create brand awareness.
The process is a cycle which is continuous and we always would get insights to your pay-per-click ad campaigns. We always evaluate, experiment, test and optimize that will help to yield more and more results for your business.
Google & Bing Ads Management
As your Adwords campaign manager we get the most out of your paid search campaigns. We write great ads that connect with your ideal customers and optimize campaigns so they can run at the highest level.
Pay-per-click marketing is one of the more powerful tools at a digital marketing agency.Businesses use paid ads as the quickest and easiest way to get their product, service or the company to the first page of the Google search results page.
Bing is another great paid search option to people who still use the search engine.People are still using Bing to search the internet, and it is imperative for your business to be seen on bing network.

Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter Ads Management
Advertising on networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter continue to be large sources of visibility, making the potential for lead generation endless apart from the search engines.
Facebook advertising allows to target your demographic audience that offers a great medium to reach users that best match your services.It allows us to be creative in terms of how your ads look in the advertising with formats of video, slideshow, carousel functions.
With social media advertising we can analyze the traffic and traction that your ads have been receiving. Similar to search engine advertising, we will tweak and optimize your ads in to achieve the best results and ultimately the conversions.